
A daily photoblog


Over on Instagram, my best friend and I started a weekly photo challenge featuring a different topic each week. My son and fiancée have joined in the fun, and last week’s challenge was Macro.

This immediately made me think of the first photo I can recall which kinda blew my mind away as an amateur photographer. Back before Instagram, before 500px, before Tumblr, DeviantArt and Flickr, there were photoblogs. It was an amazing community of people who were starting out in this new realm of digital photography, sharing just one photo every day on a personally hosted blog.

The photo that blew my socks off was one taken by Sam Javanrouh, who hosted the photoblog Daily Dose of Imagery. Sam’s photo of a poppy seed bagel had me scouring the internet for information on how to replicate the image.

So for this week’s challenge, I pay homage to Sam’s amazing image which sparked my creativity and took me down this road of photography many years ago. Like him, this was taken with my 18-55 lens, with a reversed Nikkor 50mm lens attached to the front.